



V2.0b (beta)

Hello Framer! (& Bye Zeroheight!)

This first release is a minimum version after changing platform. It contains very basic informations comparatively with the previous V1.x version. If you want to learn more about the reason behind this change, you can read this article.

We will be rolling back all the content slowly, as we revise it all along the way.

This minimum version contains the followings:

  • Homepage

  • Fundamentals

    • Vision

    • Mission

    • Principles

    • Values

  • Brand

    • Principles

    • Resources (minimal)

  • Product

    • Overview

    • UX

    • UI

    • Tokens

  • Protocols

    • Overview

    • Cooperation (minimal)

    • Conventions (minimal)

  • Culture

    • Culture

    • Members